Streamlining Contractor Ingress and Egress at a Large Manufacturer Saves Time and Money
Compliance requirements were the primary motivating factor for this large company. An additional benefit was the time employees saved each day by converting from a manual process to an automated one, resulting in significant reduction in payroll overhead. Multiple clip boards for each company supplying contractors were replaced by the Regiscope desktop and ruggedized tablet solutions. Each contractor employee was signed up into the database with photos, fingerprint, address, expiration date, company name, OSHA and other requirements, then printed a color photo ID badge with name, company and bar-code. At the gates, guards replaced clipboards, pen and paper with ruggedized tablets connected to the database server via a secure Wi-Fi connection. A scan of the bar-code on the badge with the ruggedized tablet brings up the contractor photo, name and expiration date, and allows entry or denial, based on database records. The entry or exit record is recorded in the database. All reports necessary for compliance were now easily retrievable from the Regiscope report center, saving the guards several hours of manually entering info. An additional benefit was realized by the clerk in the office who had to record all the contractor hours for payroll. A simple report from the Regiscope report center replaced manual entry from the clipboards.
Copper Theft and Recovery – Over $1,200,000 recovered quickly
A major copper producer had suffered two thefts within 24 hours. It was the same driver in each incident. Through a recommendation from their logistics provider, they quickly installed Regiscope’s systems to register and validate all drivers entering and leaving their facility, enabling them to document all handoffs of copper to each driver. Shortly afterwards, a clever scheme by a dishonest employee of a transportation broker sent five unsuspecting drivers to pick up five loads of copper anodes, each valued at around $250,000, and to deliver this copper to criminal associates. The theft was quickly discovered, and the police were dispatched to the security office at the copper mine, where security personnel were able to quickly provide the police with all the photos and data captured through the Regiscope system for each driver and trailer. The police were then quickly able to find each driver and recover each load. They were also able to identify and prosecute the criminals involved, using the Regiscope photos and data as evidence.
How a Large Food & Beverage Distributor Saved over two man-hours per day at Each Facility by Automating their Driver Check-In and Check-Out procedure with Regiscope
Switching from a manual multi-step process and a handheld digital camera to Regiscope’s integrated desktop and ruggedized tablet solutions automated and streamlined this large food distributor’s driver check-in and check-out process.
Each driver enters the welcome center and reports to the window for processing. A simple scan of their DL brings up their database record with images, status, carrier information and history. A new history record is created with photos and documentation, and a bar-coded yard pass is printed with docking time and bay number. This pass is given to the facility employees in the warehouse by the driver for matching with their warehouse application.
Back at the gate after loading, the guard uses the ruggedized tablet to scan the bar-code on the yard pass to bring up the driver’s record, then takes photos with the tablet which are automatically uploaded to the driver’s history record, completing the chain. All records and images are available through the built in Regiscope reporting suite.
Test , Learn, Do and Share
The introduction of the Regiscope system provided an immediate improvement to a soft target hardening program. At welcome centers (guard houses), Regiscope can record every inbound shipment, video capture, appointment and bill of lading that enters and exits a facility. At facility entrances, it records the entry and egress time of every visitor and temporary employee that enters the facility as well as their purpose for visiting (and can flag them as a no return as well). The Regiscope system has proven to be a key investigative tool, helped crack multi mullion dollar cargo theft investigation that connected specific suspects to high shortage appointments within a very short window of deployment.
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